Are you leveraging your technical content to attract and retain customers? If you’re not sure about your answer to this question, Guiseppe Getto, the President and Founder of Content Garden, offered a webinar for the Content Wrangler on June 16th, 2020 entitled: How to Use Technical Content to Attract and Retain Customers. Today’s customers are increasingly savvy. They do a ton of research before purchasing a product or service. You may think that your content is too dense for your customers. Information like product specifications, technical requirements, and process workflows may seem like information that should never leave your organization, but […]
If you’re new to thinking about content channels, you may feel overwhelmed at the sheer volume of ways to deliver content as an organization. Should you run Google Ads? Post on social media? Develop static website content? Run a blog? Some combination? Though no one-size-fits-all approach exists to content strategy, the necessity of attracting new customers means all businesses should be thinking about the different channels they’re using to deliver content. For our clients, we introduce this concept by having them think about the following broad channels: Web – Your website, meaning content connected to Search – The way […]
You tell your web designer that you have contracted with that you want that “wow factor” for your branding and hope that’s all you need to communicate in order for them to know what to create for your organization. When a web designer hears you use the term “wow factor,” it is akin to hearing you say you want that “je ne SAIS QUOI”—which is French for “I do not know what.” What is a wow factor for one client can be entirely unimpressive to another client. Web design firms can’t read their clients’ minds. But they can communicate with […]
Are you working for a small business that is looking to build an effective email newsletter? It’s important to understand what elements to include in an email newsletter, and how it can impact your small business. We’ve researched the most effective and impactful elements of email newsletters and compiled some of our favorites below. Email Newsletter Element #1: Writing in an Informal Tone The first element of an effective email newsletter has to do with the way that you write your content for it. The Balance Small Business suggests that writing more casually to your customers can have a great […]
Usability can be thought of as how easy it is for the users of your website to navigate and utilize the functions of your site. In order to improve your website’s usability, it’s important to conduct some quick usability tests to identify any issues customer or donors may be experiencing when they visit your site. Below are our 3 favorite quick usability tests for you to try out. Test #1: Conducting a Moderated Usability Test Although there are many ways to usability test a website, one of the most tried and true methods is conducting a moderated usability test. To […]
Writing a blog is a great way to advertise your business or non-profit. Industry-specific blog posts increase your chances of your website being found by consumers through search engines and social media. If well-written, blog posts can also enhance your credibility among customers, donors, and even competitors. To create quality blog posts that can generate a following for your business, try these blogging tips and tricks we use with our clients and on our own blog. Blogging Tip #1: Target Your Audience Your primary audience for your blog should be potential customers or donors. Remember that your goal in writing […]
[…]it’s easy (and a good idea) to design your own website. Platforms that we recommend, such as WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal, offer out-of-the-box website builds that anyone with basic internet proficiency can create. Other platforms are even easier to use, but sacrifice things like SEO. Just because it is possible to throw a website up on the web, however, doesn’t mean that it will be effective. Unless you are a professional web designer, building your own website means that you’ll be presenting an amateur-looking site to consumers. It also means that your website will underperform when compared to the websites […]
[…]sellers of these solutions often tout their product as easier to maintain than something like WordPress. There is a reason that WordPress powers nearly a third of the web, however: it’s a very usable technology. In reality, most digital marketing solutions require a learning curve. If the tool is simple to use, it might be due to the fact that there are few features available. Some tools may lag behind current web standards, meaning that they will perform poorly on modern venues like mobile devices. Questions to ask before you buy: How much can I customize my website? What if I […]