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[…]they can get their needs met on your site. They may do so in any of the following ways: 1) Reading content in a very specific order. Users tend to focus on content that is at the top left, top right, and along the left side of each webpage, as the following heatmaps depict. 2) Trying to navigate through your website. Users get very frustrated with non-intuitive navigation. If they can’t find what they’re looking for in under a minute, they tend to look elsewhere or give up entirely. This includes your top-level navigation, search, and the way content is organized throughout […]
[…]Scott is Founder and CEO of The Content Wrangler, a San Francisco-based international content strategy consultancy. CONTENT GARDEN: We work a lot with small businesses and non-profits who don’t have a content strategist or content marketer on staff. Can you speak to why the ability to develop and deploy effective content is important for smaller organizations’ content marketing strategies? Scott: “Effective” is the operative word here. In order to develop effective content—content that achieves a desired goal or intended result—we must put a plan in place that helps measure whether our efforts produce the goal we forecast. Strategy is the key to success. […]
[…]you can also use this information to consistently convert leads to customers. You can test your content with different types of people to see what content is most likely to convince people to buy. You can update online ad copy in a matter of minutes and can even run multiple ads at the same time to see which ones perform the best. The most important thing you need to know about inbound, however, is that it’s only going to grow in importance. People are growing tired of seeing t.v. commercials that interrupt their favorite shows. Millennials and other generations that […]
[…]Audit After a content audit, you need to take a hard look at your findings and turn them into a content strategy, which will be the subject of a follow-up post. Essentially, a content strategy is just a plan for creating, maintaining, and delivering content for your business. The most important thing to remember about a content audit is that it’s a powerful tool for thinking holistically about your content. If you’ve never inventoried all the content that you use to run your business, chances are there are sub-optimal pieces of content out there that are annoying leads, customers, and […]
[…]out our previous article on this topic: The Complete Guide to Content Marketing for Small Business Content Strategy Content strategy refers to your overall plan for developing, curating, and publishing content. It’s different from content marketing in that it involves planning for all the content in your organization, not just the marketing content. You may have content from your organization such as customer testimonials, product descriptions, and even strategic plans about business growth that are sitting somewhere, collecting dust. Developing an effective content strategy means managing all of your content so that when you do your marketing, you have the […]
[…]include truly connecting with your audience on a personal level, building a solid marketing strategy, providing consistently strong content, and getting others to share your content. Connecting with Your Audience on Social Media As a business using social media to connect with your audience, you have to engage with your followers and not just lecture to them. This means that even if you have automated some of your tasks, such as sharing posts, you still have to reply to comments made on your content. If you get a message on a social media platform, respond to that message in a […]
[…]of the most important things to develop for your organization is a content strategy. A content strategy template is a single document that contains all the information you need to develop, maintain, and deliver your web-based content for your organization. If you want to learn more about what a content strategy is and how to create one, check out one of our other blog posts: What Should Go Into Your Business’s Content Strategy Template One of the components that we find to be the most helpful within your strategy is a schedule for posting your content. Creating a content calendar […]
[…]a variety of devices to access it. Because of this, today’s technical writers need a sound content strategy to ensure they can deliver the right documentation to the right people at the right time and in the right format. How You Will Learn Documentation Project Management in The Course This hands-on, interactive course will take you through all the basics of documentation project management in a supportive, low-stress environment. Course members will be introduced to best practices in documentation project management and will have the opportunity to try out their new skills on real-life problems they’re facing over the 6 weeks of […]
[…]writing, people often have the perception that everyone is getting worse as writers. In their book Content Strategy for the Web, Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach provide a much more logical explanation for this phenomena: While organizations have struggled for decades—centuries, even—to make sense of their content, they were always able to keep the chaos (and consequences) to themselves. Then came websites, which created the perfect content strategy storm. Suddenly, organizations had to put all of their content (product info, investor reports, press releases, etc., etc.) in one place. For the first time. For all the world to see. And […]
[…]to work faster than content marketing. The trick is to balance these efforts with your overall content strategy. Since content marketing is a long-term game, you need to make sure you’re heading in the right direction. Some ways to do this are through regular checkups, maintenance, and strategy sessions with trusted advisors. Regular Checkups First off, it’s essential to gauge progress on your content marketing campaign through regular checkups. Just like a garden, growing successful content means making sure you have the right tools, getting rid of weeds (like outdated content or content that is outside your niche), and keeping […]